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We are here to help you create a great college experience

Person walks over Friendship bridge in the fall

Academic advising can help you form your educational and career goals. Based on your individual circumstances, personal development, and academic skills, advisors can provide information and support that will ultimately help you achieve your goals.
Review Information on “Preparing for an Advising Appointment” Find the latest Undergraduate Catalog (PDF)

Advising Overview

Types of Advisors

Students have a professional academic advisor and a faculty advisor. The department has three professional academic advisors: Ashley Beasley, Hayley Morse and Maggie Lorenz. One of them will be assigned to you. The advisors will help guide you through your academic career.

  1. Your professional academic advisor is your first point of contact for all advising questions. They will handle most administrative tasks, and will redirect you to your faculty advisor for more technical questions. Your professional academic advisor’s name will be listed alongside your faculty advisor in your Student Center. Advising appointments (in-person or via Zoom) can be booked by clicking on Maggie Lorenz, Hayley Morse or Ashley Beasley.
  2. After completion of CS 221, a faculty advisor is assigned for advising related to the computer science curriculum and planning your academic experience around your future career or goals.

Advising FAQ

Frequently Asked Advising Questions

How do I know what will transfer to Boise State University?

We have a Transfer Equivalency System to help students determine how classes from different universities will transfer to Boise State University. If you do not see a class listed, the class could be evaluated for equivalency by the department. A syllabus and course description is required for a department evaluation.

Please contact your assigned professional academic advisor to guide you through the process. If you do not yet have an academic advisor, please contact the department admin office at for help.

May I receive Credit for Prior Learning?

Boise State and the CS department support credits for prior learning in various ways. Please this website to get started: Credit for Prior Learning.

Interested in applying to Boise State University or setting up a campus tour?

Find answers to these questions and more on the Boise State University Admissions site. You can set up a campus tour through the admissions website. If you want just a tour of the department, contact the department directly at

At the Orientation, you learn all about what it means it to be a Bronco.  All new students need to attend an orientation!  Explore the new student orientations options.

Have questions on student fees, cost per credits, or need to set up a payment plan?

Student Financial Services assists students in understanding their educational costs and to make smart financial decisions for college education. Contact them for any question related to fees, costs, and payments.

How do I Apply for Financial Aid?

Refer to the Boise State University financial aid site for assistance with the financial aid process.

Thinking about Adding a Minor or Changing your major?

We recommend this cool tool called a “What If Report” theta you can use inside BroncoWeb to determine how changes may affect your current academic plan. It is critical that you discuss this with your professional academic advisor to make sure you understand the procs and cons fully.

How do I appeal a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) hold?

Refer to the Financial Aid site for information on How to Appeal a SAP Hold.

Can I repeat a course?

The Boise State policy, and the exceptions, for repeating courses is located at, Course Repetition — GPA Relationship (Policy 3190).

What should I do if I wish to sign up for a course and it is full?

The wait-list is the primary instrument for assessing the unexpected demand for a course in any given semester. If you aren’t on the wait-list, your interest in that course is not accounted in the department’s planning.  Please be sure to sign-up on the course wait-list to ensure you have an opportunity to register if an opening becomes available.

If you are wait-listed, here’s what will likely happen:

  • The department closely monitors the wait lists and tries to accommodate as many students as the capacity allows.  The department tries very hard to makes sure students who need a required course to graduate always get into the course. In some cases, if a student cannot get into a required course, the department will give them first priority in the following semester.
  • Upper-level, required undergraduate courses usually receive priority treatment. However, if another section of the course has seats, then that section *is* the priority treatment.
  • Other (lower-level or elective) courses *may* be expanded, or another section opened, *if* feasible.
  • Instructors are not authorized to exceed the maximum seating capacity for an in-person classroom — those numbers are fire-code and firm.

Do you have questions about your Requirements for Graduation?

We recommend referencing your Academic Advisement Report tool in BroncoWeb. That is what the registrar uses to see if you have met the requirements.

If you have additional questions you should contact your CS professional academic advisor.

How do I Apply for Graduation?

Refer to the Apply for Graduation instructions on the Boise State University registrar site.

Can a course prerequisite be waived?

Department policies do not allow instructors to waive the prerequisites for undergraduate students. That said, there are some out-of-the-ordinary ways to satisfy a prerequisite:

  • If the prerequisites for a course have changed, there is *sometimes* a short-term window during which you may satisfy either the old or the new course prerequisites. Ask the course instructor if this is approved for your catalog.
  • Transfer students may have equivalent coursework from another university. Work with your professional academic advisor to get appropriate credit.
  • Second degree-seeking students may have equivalent coursework or knowledge that satisfies a prerequisite requirement. Contact the department office for more information.
  • Graduate students may enroll in undergraduate courses with permission of the instructor.
  • Boise State identifies a number of paths to receive credit for prior learning. The registrar’s site explains how to challenge a course, and how Advanced Placement (AP) credit applies toward  Boise State.

What courses satisfy the Undergraduate CS Elective Requirements?

Older catalogs do not identify the newer courses that may be taken as CS electives.  In most cases, you can substitute one of the newer courses for an elective in an older catalog by filing an Academic Adjustment Request in the department office after you’ve completed the course.  A current list of CS electives is located at: CS Electives.

Will any 500-level course apply towards my master degree program?

Please review every proposed course with your graduate advisor to determine if it will apply toward your degree — just because you’ve completed a 500-level course doesn’t mean it applies toward your degree program.

Does Boise State have an accelerated Master’s program?

Qualified undergraduate students may apply up to three upper-division CS elective courses during their senior year toward both their undergraduate and graduate degree programs. This is a great way to speed up the graduate program. You will find more information at: Accelerated Masters Degree.

Where do I find forms to make changes to various areas of my academic career?

Students may have many changes to their academic career which requires official change process form be filled out.  For example, you may find it beneficial to change your catalog year, or request credit for prior learning, or apply for graduation, or determine Idaho residency, etc.  These and many other forms can be found on the Office of the Registrar home page.  Student forms are listed in a searchable table.

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